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How do I share my support ID?

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The support ID is a code (a string of characters) that helps the support team identify any problem that crops up in an app. Example code: 443.9CA.B52.612.594.776.BD3.BD2.144.813.04

How does this ID work?

  • The ID is specific to the session and is therefore created each time you open the app.
  • If you share your ID with members of the app support team, they can check which (error) messages are linked to this ID. This enables them to identify the cause of a problem.
  • The members of the app support team have no view of the IDs or profiles (found in the apps) associated with the IDs. It is therefore the app user who must take the initiative to share their ID.

How do I find the support ID?

You are logged into app:

  1. Go to the Profile section of your app.
  2. Select “About the app”.
  3. Copy the ID under "Support", under “ID”. Next to the ID is a copy button, so you can easily copy the ID. 

You are not logged into app:

  1. Go to the home screen.
  2. Click on the menu (top right).
  3. Choose 'About the app' and confirm 'About the app'.
  4. Copy the ID under 'Support'. Next to ID is a copy button so you can easily copy the ID.